The process of finding, luring, and employing qualified applicants for open positions inside a company is known as recruitment in human resource management (HRM). It plays a crucial role in HRM since it guarantees that the company has the right people in the right places to meet its goals and objectives.


The recruitment process is the most important function of HRM department. The Human Resource Manager use different tactics to reach the potential candidate. The recruitment method used to contact the candidates differs based on the source of recruitment..

In any kind of organization, recruitment and selection processes are considered useful, because they help in finding the most suitable candidates for the jobs. Recruitment and selection are important operations in human resource management, designed to make best use of employee strength in order to meet the strategic goals and objectives of the employers and of the organization as a whole. It is a process of screening, sourcing, shortlisting, and selecting the right candidates for the vacant positions. The employers put into practice recruitment strategies and methods that would be the most beneficial to achieve organizational goals and objectives Dr.C K GOMATHY(2022).


The elements within the association that influence organizational selection are known as internal factors, sometimes known as endogenous elements. The internal forces, or variables under the organization's control, are:

1. Recruitment Policy

The corporation's recruitment policy, which specifies whether to hire from internal or external sources, has an impact on the hiring procedure. An organization's recruitment policy establishes the locations for enlisting and provides guidelines for using the program..

Factors Affecting Recruitment Policy

  • Need of the organization.
  • Organizational objectives
  • Preferred sources of recruitment.
  • Government policies on reservations.
  • Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.
  • Recruitment costs and financial implications.
2.HumAn Resource Planning

Effective human resource process and procedure helps in fixing the loops present in the existing manpower of the organization. This also helps in  filter the number of employees to be recruited and what kind qualification and skills  they must possess.

3. Size of the Organization

The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. If the organization is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations.

4. Cost involved in recruitment

Recruitment process also count the cost to the employer, that's why  organizations try to employ/outsource the source of recruitment  which will be cost effective to the organization for each candidate.

5. Growth and Expansion

Organization will utilize or consider utilizing more work force in the event that it is growing  its operations.


The external forces are the forces which cannot be controlled by the organization. The major external forces are:

1. Supply and Demand

The availability of manpower both within and outside the organization is an essential factor in the recruitment process. 

2. Labour Market

Employment conditions where the organization is located will effected by the recruiting efforts of the organization. 

3. Goodwill / Image of the organization

Image of the firm is another factor having its effect on the Different government controls forbidding separation in contracting and work have coordinate effect on enlistment practices. As taken Example, Govt. of India has the convention of reservation in work for booked standings/planned clans, physically Disabled and so on. Additionally, exchange associations have the significant part in enrollment. This limits management freedom to select those individuals who can be the best performers.This can work as a potential constraint for recruitment. A company with positive image as an employer able to easier to attract and retain employees than an organization with negative image. Organisations actions and activities like good public relations, public service like,charity, contruction and developement roads, public parks, hospitals education and schools help earn image or goodwill for organization.

4. Political-Social- Legal Environment

Different government controls forbidding separation in contracting and work have coordinate effect on enlistment practices.

5. Unemployment Rate

The Element that influence the availability of applicants is the  economy growth rate. At the point when the organization isn't making new jobs, there is frequently oversupply of qualified work which thusly prompts unemployment.


Broadly, there are five steps of recruitment process in HRM which is used by many companies in corporate world to increase the efficiency of hiring. The five Recruitment Process Steps ensure that recruitment takes place without any interruption and within the allotted time period. It also helps to maintain compliance and consistency in the recruitment process

Recruitment Planning

It is the first step of HR Recruitment Process in which the job vacancies in the organization are analyzed and relevant job description is prepared. It also includes preparation of job specification and details about qualification and skills needed to perform the job.

This step is very vital for recruitment process as it helps in attracting the right and suitable candidates for the job. Based on the education and experience requirement described in the recruitment plan a pool of interested candidate can be created.


Strategy Development

After the job description and job specification is prepared the organization decides the number of recruits needed to work on the profile to close the vacancy as soon as possible. The recruiter decides the strategy that should be adopted for successful recruitment of employee. The strategic draft includes the following point:-

  1. Sources of Recruitment-Based on the job position and skills required to perform the job the recruiter choose the source of recruitment. The internal and external are the two categories of the recruitment source. This decision is critical as rest of the recruitment strategy is based on this step of recruitment.
  2. Methods of Recruitment-The HRM department decides on the method of recruitment whether the firm wants to recruit the candidate using direct or indirect method. A lot of companies now are using third party recruitment method and outsourcing some part of recruitment process to the experienced consulting firms. 
  3. Geographical Area-The location of job is fixed and thus recruitment team has to decide the area from which they can search candidates who want to join the job. The area in which large amount of qualified candidates are located is selected to search the suitable employee for the organization.
  4. Make Employees or Buy Employees- The investment required for recruitment is depending on this decision. The organization can choose to select the skilled employees and pay them appropriate salary or can selected less qualified people and trained them to perform better.  


The searching step is divided into two parts that is :Source activation Selling. The activation took place when the department which has vacancy confirms it to the HR manager about the requirement; also approve the draft of job description as well as specification. Under selling the organization selects the channel of communication to reach the prospective candidates.


Once the job applications are received by the HR Recruiter it starts the screening process. It is a step in which the application are shortlisted for the further selection process. After short-listing of application based on the job specification the selection process begins. At the early stage the recruiter has to remove the applications which are clearly under qualified and not suitable for the job.  

Evaluation and Control

The validity and effectiveness of HR Recruitment Process is assessed in this step. The step is essential as organization has to check the cost incurred during recruitment and the output in terms of selection of suitable candidates and their joining. The cost of recruitment includes the time spent by the management by involving in the recruitment process, the cost of advertisement, selection, consultant fees in case of recruitment outsourcing and also the salaries of recruiter. The output is calculated in terms of selection and how soon the employee as joined the organization also the suitability as well as performance of the newly joined employee.

Here is a prominent example of such innovative best recruitment process practices used by McDonald.

McDonald use Snapchat to recruit

People of age 20-25 are very much active on Snapchat. The digital natives younger generation is active on this app and the organization can grab their attention to include them in workforce. Snapchat is now used as way to create a employer brand and attract young people towards the job opening. It is now a full blown recruiting strategy used by big companies like McDonald and Grub hub. McDonald used video ads and applications to convey the prospective employees about the job vacancy in the organization.

McDonald has also released 10-second video ads in which their current employees are featured and they are talking about their experience to work with McDonald. The person who is interested in the job can swipe up the video and they will be redirected to the career webpage of the company. The interested candidate can also try virtually the uniform of McDonald and send a 10 second video to the employer about why they will be great employee of the company.

It is a fun and simple way to attract candidates and create a talent pool for the company.


Effective recruitment practices are foundational to building a skilled and diverse workforce that drives organizational success. By aligning recruitment strategies with organizational objectives, leveraging technology, prioritizing candidate experience, and fostering collaboration, HR professionals can ensure they attract and retain top talent in today's competitive job market.


 Available at :
[Accessed 25 March 2024].

Ranad Isaam Abdullah Alzoubi. (2020). The Recruiting Process in the Human Resource Management. International Journal.Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp: (65-71)
Available at :


  1. In a company its necessary to have a talented staff for address the challenges and to adopt competitive environment in business in that case recruitment process will play a major roles in a company and it need to align with the objectives and purpose.

  2. "Recruitment made easy! This blog offers practical tips and insights to streamline the hiring process and find the best talent. A must-read for HR professionals!"

  3. Effective recruitment practices are foundational to building a skilled and diverse workforce. well described.

  4. Recruitment process are very important at HRM

  5. Its a great article with useful information. right topic choosed.

  6. Very important thing is recruitment when grab the humans to the organisation it is described and strategies shared with this blog that's great good luck


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